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Moorten Botanical Garden

Our second day in Joshua Tree; Cat and I decided to wander around Palm Springs before we hit the hotel pools. We stumbled upon this hidden gem on our way to Arrive Hotel; Moorten Botanical Garden and Cactarium. We were beyond excited to take a peek inside this beautiful oasis once we got there.

If you are looking to jazz up your Instagram, or enjoy the beautiful cactarium surroundings, then this needs to be a destination stop on your way to Palm Springs. Due to the melting hot temperatures outside, we had to cut our fun adventure a little short because we were literally MELTING. Words do not even BEGIN to describe how toasty it was outside! I think we both looked at each other at a certain point, and equally agreed to head back to the car because we couldn't even think anymore haha. It was pool time!

Once we finally made it to the air conditioned car, we started busting up laughing at how delirious the heat made us feel. So, we both agreed to continue this adventure on a much cooler summer day really soon.

Although I didn't get to capture this gardens beauty in entirety, I hope you all enjoy the few shots we did take before the heat got the best of us ahah. Stay tuned for more fun!


✩ What I Wore ✩


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